Data & Mail Servers

What CompuMate can do?

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Server & Client Setup

Have you ever had difficulty deciding which Server, Workstation, PC or Software to buy?. Purchasing hardware and software for a business gets very complex, very quickly. Which Servers play well with the network and other infrastructure? Which PCs hold up well in a corporate environment? Which vendors provide the best service? CompuMate has years of experience helping its customers to manage their computer equipment procurement.

We help take the headaches out of ordering and tracking the lifecycle of computer equipment so you can focus on your business operations. Hardware and Software procurement – CompuMate has partnered with the major IT vendors and is able to bring our customers discounted pricing on most of the multinational brands in Server, Workstation, PCs, Laptops, networking products and software out there.

Backup & Storage

Your data means everything to you – it’s your business and it’s your future. You can trust and rely on our expertise here also. Data storage or backing up in various kind of reliable and cost effective solutions are available with CompuMate.



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